Quit Complaining About Your Job
Stumbled at: http://www.sunbelt-software.com/stu/quitcomplainingaboutyourjob.htm
one day at a time
Stumbled at: http://www.sunbelt-software.com/stu/quitcomplainingaboutyourjob.htm
Since this is originally an english written blog, and my ‘real’ blog is temporarily STUPID, I’ll just post the entry here, of course with a proper translation of the post in english 🙂 Ehm.. tidak seperti teman-teman lain, yang pada Continue reading Entry Lomba Poto
Katanya: You are worth exactly $2,288,210 Masih bisa lebih mahal, soalnya salah isi IQ; saya isi 110, seharusnya 126 😛
Howdy, cousins! Welcome to our little Fedora hollow, where we’ve brewed up some mighty, mighty Fedora 7 Moonshine for your enjoyment. Here, I’ll help you pour that … and some for me … *cough, cough* Smoooooth … sure does taste Continue reading Announcing Fedora 7 (Moonshine)