Lubang yang dahsyat
Ini cuma gema, baca selengkapnya tentang celah keamanan baru di Windows di weblog “Harry Sufehmi”:
one day at a time
Ini cuma gema, baca selengkapnya tentang celah keamanan baru di Windows di weblog “Harry Sufehmi”:
Salah satu pekerjaan rutin saya adalah.. Updating Windows! Bulan ini, setidaknya ada 8 Update yang harus di-download oleh pengguna Windows XP Service Pack 2, seperti saya di rumah (dual-boot) dan hampir semua PC di kantor kami. Update ini hampir semua Continue reading Update!
I found this nice article in a Microsoft’s Security Newsletter. It is actually quite good considering the source of the information. Of course you can catagorized it very good if you are a Microsoft software user 🙂 Check it out: Continue reading School is in: 7 computer security tips for students
I found this site long time ago, containing 3 video files about hacking and other stuff, check it out. They give you some information about hacking into networks and other security related issues. The last (3rd) video also includes Continue reading The Broken dot org