Mr. TG

For the last 2 days, i’ve been wondering around MRTG(Multi Router Traffic Grapher). This is a great (and Free) network monitoring tool. We’re using it to monitor and analyze the Ethernet Traffic of our Motorola Canopy™ BWP(Broadband Wireless Platform), which is our main City-wide communication media in MCEC(Makassar Cyber Education Center)

We use this tool on a Fedora Core 3 (with extras) box, which is my daily-use machine at the office. Too bad this machine doesn’t have a public IP, so you cannot see the result of my 2 days work 😛

Anyway, our deadline (June 30) is getting closer. By plan, the major of Makassar will be launching our system at that date. Everybody is rushing to finish their job now.. Happy rushing 🙂

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